
We host regular, free information sessions, workshops and webinars for CitySwitch members and their guests.

  1. Reduce your energy use - Sydney event

    8:30am to 11:00am

    Business Hub, Market Street

    Join us for a face-to-face workshop to learn how you can minimise energy use in your office.

    The experts from Meiklejohn Consulting will help us sort fact from fiction and update us on the latest technologies. 

  2. Reduce your energy use - Melbourne event

    12:30pm to 2:30pm

    Activity Room, Library at the Dock, Docklands

    Join us for a face-to-face workshop to learn how you can minimise energy use in your office.

    The experts from Meiklejohn Consulting will help us sort fact from fiction and update us on the latest technologies. 

  3. Demystifying carbon accounting platforms (webinar)

    12pm to 1:30pm Sydney time

    Join us to learn more about carbon accounting platforms.

    We'll discuss recent market research results and provide due diligence tips for procuring software for emission calculations.

    If you’re a sustainability manager, office manager, facilities manager, or the sustainability champion in your business we encourage you to come along.

    We also warmly welcome those in finance, procurement or supplier and contract management roles.