Carbon accounting – data governance
Data governance is a key challenge for businesses looking to create and maintain an accurate view of their carbon footprint.
As a new field and responsibility for most businesses, there are systems that need to be introduced to create a carbon inventory and improve it over time.
This short guide provides some things for you to consider about carbon data collection and governance.
For more information please see the Greenhouse Gas Protocol corporate accounting and reporting standard.
Establishing a data collection protocol
To build a carbon footprint inventory, different types of information need to be collected and stored. A data collection protocol stores information about:
data to be collected including units
footprint calculation approach – activity based, spend based, SAAS based, actual data, estimation
emission factor source
frequency of data collection
person responsible for collecting data
data sources
some recommendations about data improvement for each category of emissions.
Any organisation can follow steps to develop an overall carbon inventory quality management system.
This diagram from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol outlines the high-level steps to introduce a quality management system and ensure your data is accurate, including feedback loops to keep it up to date.
Generic quality management measures can include the check points outlined below.
- Data gathering, input, and handling activities
- Check a sample of input data for transcription errors
- Identify spreadsheet modifications that could provide additional controls or checks on quality
- Ensure that adequate version control procedures for electronic files have been implemented
- Others
- Data documentation
- Confirm that bibliographical data references are included in spreadsheets for all primary data
- Check that copies of cited references have been archived
- Check that assumptions and criteria for selection of boundaries, base years, methods, activity data, emission factors, and other parameters are documented
- Check that changes in data or methodology are documented
- Others
- Calculating emissions and checking calculations
- Check whether emissions units, parameters, and conversion factors are appropriately labelled
- Check if units are properly labelled and correctly carried through from beginning to end of calculations
- Check that conversion factors are correct
- Check that data processing steps (for example, equations) in the spreadsheets
- Check that spreadsheet input data and calculated data are clearly differentiated
- Check a representative sample of calculations, by hand or electronically
- Check some calculations with abbreviated calculations (back of the envelope calculations)
- Check the aggregation of data across source categories, business units, and so on
- Check consistency of time series inputs and calculations
- Others
Data types
Based on the GHG Protocol there are 2 types of data from which you can choose to calculate scope 3 emissions.
1. Primary data: data from specific activities within a company’s value chain
Provided by suppliers or other value chain partners related to specific activities in your company’s value chain.
2. Secondary data: activities outside a company’s value chain
Secondary data includes industry-average data, for example, from published databases, government statistics, literature studies and industry associations. It also includes financial data, proxy data and other generic data. In some instances, you can use data from one activity in your value chain to estimate emissions for another activity. This type of data – proxy data – is considered secondary data because it’s not specific to the activity whose emissions are being calculated.
Here are some examples of primary and secondary data by scope 3 categories.
Upstream scope 3 emissions
Category | Examples of primary data | Examples of secondary data |
Purchased good and services |
Capital goods |
Fuel and energy related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) |
Upstream transportation and distribution |
Waste generated in operations |
Business travel |
Employee commuting |
Upstream leased assets |
Using business travel as an example, you should have access to primary data from a travel agent or through collecting data from your employees about the trips they’ve taken. Secondary data, which uses the industry-average in Australia, could be used if flights hadn’t been tracked.
There are advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary data to consider.
Advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary data
Primary data (for example, supplier specific data) | Secondary data (for example, industry average data) | |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Similarly, there are also challenges when collaborating with value chain partners to collect primary data.
Challenges when collaborating with value chain partners to collect primary data
Challenges | Examples of primary data |
Large number of suppliers |
Lack of supplier knowledge and experience with GBG inventories and accounting |
Lack of supplier capacity and resources for tracking data |
Lack of transparency in the quality of supplier data |
Confidentiality concerns of suppliers |
Language barriers |
When collecting secondary data, companies need to assess data quality and consider the best approach to fill any data gaps.
Prioritise databases and publications that are internationally recognised, provided by national governments or peer reviewed.
If quality data is unavailable, consider using proxy data to fill the gaps. Proxy data is data from a similar activity that is used as a stand-in for the given activity. Proxy data can be extrapolated, scaled up or customised to be more representative of the given activity, for example, partial data for an activity extrapolated or scaled up to represent 100% of the activity.
Examples of proxy data:
An emissions factor exists for electricity in Ukraine, but not for Moldova. A company uses the electricity emissions factor from Ukraine as a proxy for electricity in Moldova.
A company collects data for 80% of its production in a given product category but 20% is unknown. The company assumes the unknown 20% has similar characteristics to the known 80% so applies a linear extrapolation to estimate 100% of the production data.
Overall, remember the importance of gradually improving your data quality over time.
Better data leads to better insights, decisions and results.
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